日本財団 図書館


Reagents for routine laboratory tests
Reagents for urinalysis
The color reaction should be interpreted by comparison with the list of standard colors fixed to the container.
Indications: ?@Detection of glycosuria, proteinuria and urinary urobilinogen.
?ADetection of glycosuria, proteinuria, and hematuria as well as determination of urinary PH.
?BDetection of glycosuria, proteinuria, hematuria and urinary urobilinogen as well as determination of urinary PH.
Usage: See the package insert.


Reagents for the diagnosis of pregnancy
?APredictor PEN
?CDo-test hcg
Indication: Diagnosis of pregnancy.
Usage: Product ?@ is the most popular reagent available. Product ?A indicates pregnancy by generating a red-purple spot at 3 minutes after exposure to urine. Product ?B indicates whether the urine is from a pregnant or non-pregnant woman at 3-5 minutes after exposure to urine. Product ?C indicates pregnancy by generating a redpurple line at 3-5 minutes after exposure to urine. For further details, see the package inserts for each product.




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